Monday 23 April 2012

19 march

Every years on 19 march i tried to be beside you even anything happen and this year, sharp 0000 Alhamdulillah i still at your side together with your friend. but sorry im not a first one who wish happy birthday. now here, im late to update my blog but still want to wish HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY sayang.

Always love you!

kenangan itu indah sebenarnya

almost 6 years ++ we are in relationship. but we dunno when the date will make us as husband and wife. depth in my heart, I pray and always do that and..hopefully this relationship ended with 'SAH' from 'wali dan saksi' amin..

Coretan 4

nak cakap pe?
mm..aku nak cakap ape sebenarnye nieyh?
next entry!