Saturday 10 December 2011

On that day

woke up early and make a last preparation for final year presentation today.hope everything gonna be flow smoothly.huh..what can i saying,seriously im so nervous.because why? since Atika said Dr dian will judge in our group, (but on that time still not confirm yet), since i got email from my supervisor..OMG! then..early morning when i arrived at BKA 1/14, my jantung still dup dapdup dap.! the first judger came at that time is Dr dian. ape lagi..lagi la perasaan ni memuncak.

Now, the first announcement i heard from the judges, We will call the name who bring the dockets here first to present.dalam hati mengiyakan aje bcoz on that time only 3 student bring their docket include me! no choice, I decide to be the second presenter dgn alasan untuk menyedapkan hati "siap awal2 dapat tenang awal2". i tot dat the right way coz after the presentation i felt what i think before! fuhh..lega! lama tak lama ada jugak la dalam setengah jam jugak la kat depan. :)

balik umah kene amenmend ape yg patut.most part is a CHAPTER 2 

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